Ricerca partner
Il progetto mira, con l'istituzione di club tecnologici per ragazze all'interno delle scuole, a far sperimentare alle partecipanti le loro potenzialità rispetto l'ideazione, la progettazione e la realizzazione di prodotti e servizi attraverso l'uso delle tecnologie creative.
DURATA: 24 mesi
BUDGET TOTALE: 300.000 euro.
PARTNER DA COINVOLGERE: Istituti scolastici
Il partenariato italiano è composto da: Istituto Comprensivo carpi Nord, scuola media Focherini come applicant, Connessioni Didattiche, MAW, Istituto italiano di valutazione
Alexandra Storari
Mobile: +39 3458325162
Il progetto intende sviluppare un percorso innovativo ed integrato a favore dei bambini e bambine delle classi primarie coinvolte, al fine di promuovere l'acquisizione di capacità e competenze chiave, con particolar riferimento alle competenze naturalistiche e scientifiche e alle competenze digitali.
Questo percorso, per le sue caratteristiche, permetterà inoltre di stimolare il stimolare il pensiero critico soprattutto in considerazione del contesto culturale e/o ambientale nell'insegnamento delle scienze, e di fare tesoro della diversità diffusa nelle classi attuali sempre più multiculturali, in accordo con le priorità della Call 2018.
Favorirà infine il potenziamento delle competenze degli insegnanti, il rafforzamento della qualità dell'insegnamento e dell'apprendimento, nonché la creazione di connessioni fra istruzione formale e non formale grazie ai rapporti con le cooperative e le associazioni coinvolte.
DURATA: 16 mesi.
BUDGET TOTALE: 200.000 euro
PARTNER DA COINVOLGERE: Istituti scolastici
Il partenariato italiano è composto da:IC6 Imola (BO) – Italia come applicant, DD Bertolini, Zola Predosa, Bologna (Italia), Cooperativa Ossigeno, Bologna (Italia)
Alexandra Storari
Mobile: +39 3458325162
The Conservatory Professional Arts School of Madeira asks for an aid to help us in the context of a European project. The request for support at the partner level for the Erasmus+ project at the level of artistic teaching of theater and dance. We present our organization and the foundation of the project.
The Conservatory - Professional School of Arts Madeira, Engº Luiz Peter Clode (CEPAM), is a public institution and the only organization accredited to teach professional courses in performing, theater and contemporary dance in the Autonomous Region of Madeira (Portugal).
It is housed in an outermost island , characterized essentially by the remoteness from the European continent , which has a close neighborhood exclusively consisted of non-member countries of the EU; which, among other features, significantly limits the development of the teaching- learning process of their students due to the multiplicity of experiences. As a consequence of this fact, multiculturalism turns out to be scarce.
It is in this context that the project 'United by Arts' comes up directed at students of professional courses in instruments, theater and contemporary dance . It´s a project that is focused in the development of professional learning through the promotion of mobility among students of different schools in order to enable international and multicultural levels of experience by providing performance experience in different contexts and confronting the curriculum and the syllabus of different countries.
Providing students a training/internship period in another country will allow the acquisition of new knowledge and experience, 'sine qua non' for their training, since experiencing other professional experiences, contacting with other professionals and with other public, with different degrees of requirements, trying new methodologies and techniques , and acquiring new methods of primary analysis and interpretation of knowledge and the development of professional skills and performance, are essential to their training curriculum in the areas of classical music, theater and dance which goal is for students to continue their studies and enter the labor market.
This project includes a total of 63 trainees, aged between 16 and 25 years old in the fields of music, theater and contemporary dance in professional education (professional qualification level IV), who are attending the 3rd and 2nd years, of which 33 are young people from families with few financial resources, 3 are with special educational needs; 6 were born in foreign countries; and as gender equality, CEPAM has guaranteed this premise.
Mobility will last three weeks. For this purpose, the methodologies will be applied in three phases:
1st Phase - Before the onset of mobility: CEPAM will provide a list with the identification and the degree of knowledge of each trainee to the host entity; the host entity shall prepare and send (in advance) the Training Plan for three weeks , as well as the subjects to be studied during the period of mobility. Regarding the dance and theater students, they should participate in the creative process of a show, demonstrating the mastery of technical and interpretative skills.
2nd Phase - during the period of mobility CEPAM will execute the training plan; organize music, theater and dance performances opened to the general public; provide the respective records (Room programs, photographic records, and / or the respective recordings on DVD or audio); organize the program of social-cultural activities (language teaching, study visits, etc.); fill in the above mentioned documentation (for VET Mobility Agreement; Agreement for ECVET Mobility, Quality Comitment; Description of Skills and Competences acquired during the Europass Mobility Experience, Training Report: Attendance Registration: Attendance Certificate Erasmus+); and organize social integration with local students.
3rd Phase – After the mobility period: CEPAM shall validate the ratings assigned to learners through tests and interviews; and apply a survey of students about their appreciation of the training period/internship and on their learning (methods and techniques used throughout the training/internship).
At the end the results will be announced for the whole school community and the new tools will be reflected on the improvement actions of the teaching/learning strategies.
In general terms, CEPAM predicts that this mobility experience will contribute to the formation of active citizens, critical, outspoken , supportive and responsible and thereby seeking the achievement of the priorities defined in the educational project; and hence the level of educational attainment and further education. And also actively contribute to enhance the image of vocational training, consolidating the growing and necessary equality between, on the one hand, general education and vocational training and, on the other hand, learning and professional expertise.
We appreciate your help. We would be eternally grateful.
For futher information on the project, please feel free to contact:
Vítor Gonçalves
e-mail: vitorgngoncalves@hotmail.com
The Departement of Haute-Loire is looking for three european partners to participate in a small-scale Creative Europe Project that would be implement from 2018 to 2022.
It aims at creating a durable social local dialogue between the inhabitants (the audience), the stakeholders of the area and the companies, in order to enable them to understand better the evolutions and transformations of the plastic industry, yesterday, today and tomorrow :
Developing circular economy and new economic plans,
Modernizing production plants, using new technologies, in particular digital systems ;
Diversifying the uses in the fields of packaging, pharmaceutic industry, building, transport and agriculture ;
Increasing the value of jobs in this specific industry ;
Adapting the professional training to the new needs of the industry ;
Improving the working conditions
Increasing the value of the heritage linked to this industry (link between past, present, and future).
In concrete terms, the project consists in :
Creating spaces for dialogue and thinking, between the audience, the companies (managers and workers), and the local public and private stakeholders ;
Creating tools for mediation between the audience, the companies (managers and workers), and the local public and private stakeholders ;
Creating spaces for training and educating the audience, the companies (managers and workers), and the local public and private stakeholders.
The audience is composed by the inhabitants of the area, among whom we find the young people (in leisure centres and primary or middle schools) and their families, and people with difficulties: elderly, disabled, jobless, etc.
We wish to drive this project through new education and training methods, the use of artistic and/or creative tools, the implementation of more collaborative professional and civic practices.
This project will last 4 years at the most.
Therefore, the first partner would ideally be from Germany and would be an industrial company, or a group of industrial companies, a training centre in the field of industrial jobs (research and development, operators, marketing, management, etc), a university or a research centre which managed to make its education and training methods evolve to enable the workers or future workers to participate in the company living and transformations and to take into account their opinions and ideas in the improvement of production methods and technologies for example. It can be an organism that works in the field of plastic industry or not.
The second partner could be from any european country and could be a public or private organism that creates and uses artistic and creative practices as a tool for developing social links, dialogue, education and training as well as mediation between the audience, the stakeholders of the area and the companies. As for example : an art centre or a local public authority that uses these practices and methods as a tool for developing social relations and skills in the fields of communication, management, organization, training, for the development and improvement of companies and territories.
From any European country, the third partner could be a public or private organism, for example a school or group of schools, that uses or creates new spaces for dialogue and thinking, in order to create a durable social local dialogue and to improve the professional and civic skills to tend towards more collaborative practices. The young and jobless people will be particularly aimed so that they know their area better (understand where they are coming from and where they are living) and imagine their future in this same area, according to the local economic fabric.
More information can be delivered if asking at carine.demourgues@hauteloire.fr or at 0033471074366
The Guzzetti Foundation with head quarter in Milan is interested to get in touch with schools and organisation that must have participated in at least one of other European project, in order to participate to the call 'ErasmusPlus 2017 - KA1 - EAC/A03/2016 (Strategic partnership youth)', to set up and test an innovative welfare system that moves from offer to demand with regard to young immigrants, with deadline 4th october 2017.
Who is Guzzetti Foundation?
The G.B. Guzzetti Foundation manages from January 1, 2014 six private family members who are credited with Christian inspiration in the city of Milan.
The Foundation is associated with Fe.L.Ce.A.F. (Lombardy Federation of Family Assistance Centers), the institution representing the Christian Family Counselors of Lombardy.
Together with the Foundation G.B. Guzzetti were born in the Lombardy area, another 5 local foundations within a comprehensive design of the development, rearrangement and transformation of the family consultants Fe.L.Ce.A.F.
The Foundation's Consultors are services for the individual, the couple, and the family. They carry out both preventive and therapeutic activities in relation to family issues in order to bring concrete help to the person in critical situations of the family life cycle.
Objectives of the organization
The innovative approch shifts the traditional idea of welfare, based on services offering, to a model where service providers are able to meet the specific needs of the young immigrant residents of a urban neighborhood or a territory. The pilot project focuses on training social workers to develop new models ad new skills in social work and to fosters a structured network among families, youth and schools , considering the importance of a multi - cultural aopproch in the specific target territories. The purpose of the project is to transform the philosophy of social interventation and to design strategies of innovative, generative, multi-cultural and participative welfare.
The partner search is addressed to all schools, public authorities and organisations in all EU member States wich are already planning to present a project in the contest of this call.
In particular, candidates must possess one or more of the following requirements:
-expertise of at least 2 years in non - profit or profit Hubs;
- expertise of at least 2 years in welfare community projects or generative welfare;
- expertise of at least 3 years in youth social inclusion;
- schools that have experienced innovative and participative solutions with preventive actions in multicultural contexts;
- partners with at least 5 years' experience in social research and assessment of social services;
- non - profit organisations with expertise in marketing and event organisation;
- partners that have been working for the past 2 years as incubators for small companies in the non- profit field.
The lenght of the project
3 years
Deadline partner search
10th September 2017
For further information and contacts
Guzzetti Foundation
Michele Rabaiotti
Skype: mikeraba
Tel: (+39) 02-
'Search of partnership for ERASMUS+ KA1 an KA2-projects in the sectors 'nutrition and food supply management' and/or 'commercial'
Klara-Oppenheimer-Schule Würzburg is located in the centre of Germany, in northern Bavaria.
We are a vocational school and professional academy for commerce, home economics and social occupations. About 3000 students attend classes full time or are pursuing a vocational training programme, where they spend one day a week at our school, the rest of the week they are learning on the job.
Our training comprises theoretical as well as practical elements. We work closely with local employers.
We are currently searching for cooperations for ERASMUS+ -projects (KA1 and/or KA2) with
- vocational schools or academies for commercial professions
- professional schools or academies for nutrition and food supply management or full time schools that offer graduation according to EQR 6
On the sector of nuritation and food supply management for example we could imagine cooperations in the following fields:
1. Strategic school partnership (ERASMUS+ KA2)
Possible fields of cooperation:
- food culture, table manners, nutritional trends in the partner countries
- healthy diet
- future-oriented organisation of operational health management
- sustainable corporate management
- quality assurance measures
and / or
2. Work placements abroad
Possible fields of cooperation:
- mutual organisation of work placements according to the ERASMUS+ programme
Possible partners for work placements:
- conference venues, centres for the elderly, hospitals
Tasks trainees should perform:
- administrative tasks (middle management)
- implementation of company projects (e.g. introduction of new detergents)
- organisation of company parties or culinary specialty weeks in canteens
- personnel planning, procurement
- organisation of cleaning, decoration, commercial kitchen, and service
If you are interested contact
Renate Wallner
E-Mail: wallner@klara-oppenheimer-schule.de
Homepage: www.klara-oppenheimer-schule.de'
Ricerca di partner per cantieri cooperativi dei giovani francofoni in Italia (Valle di Aosta)
Una Casa della gioventù e della Cultura (Maisons des Jeunes et de la Culture / MJC) sul territorio
del Gal Leader Avre, Eure ed Iton, (Normandie/France), ricerca una struttura in Valle di Aosta sulle
seguenti tematiche: gioventù, lingua francese, preservazione dell'acqua e sensibilizzazione
Tipo di partner ricercato :
Struttura situata nella regione italiana francofona della Valle di Aosta, territorio che beneficia del
programma Leader.
Struttura che opera in favore della gioventù, della cooperazione, della cultura o dell'ambiente.
Promotore del progetto
Il promotore del progetto è una MJC localizzata sul territorio di Breteuil-sur-Iton, associazione
Parco - Progetti Animazioni & Incontri Culturali.
L'associazione sviluppa dal 2014 dei cantieri cooperativi di giovani in collaborazione con i territori
francesi e francofoni (Quebec, Isola di Oléron, Nuovo-Brunswick in Canada).
Il progetto
Il progetto si inserisce nel programma europeo Leader.
Il progetto si articola nell'arco di tempo di 5 anni (2016 -2020, di cantieri participativi di giovani
Permette ai giovani di differenti territori di incontrarsi e di tessere dei legami sul lungo termine.
Le MJC si propongono ogni anno di far partecipare i giovani partecipare da un anno all'altro
all'organizzazione del cantiere.
Questi cantieri saranno sviluppati per quanto possibile sul principio della reciprocità, accogliendo le
MJC sul territorio partner e, viceversa, accogliendo i giovani del territorio partner sul territorio di
Il tema principale è la preservazione dell'acqua e la sensibilizzazione sulle tematiche ambientali. Il
contenuto dei cantieri e l'organizzazione dei soggiorni è coordinata dalle MJC in collaborazione
con i loro partner.
Il progetto mira a costruire ogni anno un nuovo legame con un territorio francofono. Lo scopo del
progetto è inoltre quello di promuovere i territori francofoni tra i giovani.
Sito web : http://jeunes-francophones.fr/category/chantiers-sur-breteuil/
Beneficiar i :
Giovani di 13 a 18 anni.
Data e lingua del progetto :
Cantiere previsto con l'Italia nel 2018
Lingua: Francese.
Termini :
Il prima possibile .
Contatto :
GAL D'Avre,d'Eure et d'Iton
Animatrice LEADER : Marion GUENETTE
La Camera di Commercio e Industria ungherese ricerca partner per un progetto relativo alla call Erasmus + 40/2016. I partner possono essere enti di formazione oppure enti locali o regionali.
Per maggiori informazioni scrivere una mail a Renata Verger verger.renata@zmkik.hu
Name of the project/Title: 'AperTur' (Open4u)
What: Erasmus+ Youth Exchange
Dates and place: 4th – 13th july 2016 in Badalona Spain
Target group: This project is addressed to youngsters from 14 to 16 years old including youngsters with fewer opportunities.
It's important that all the organizations partners have already experience in the work with young people.
Description of the project:
The Youth Exchange 'aperTUr' ('open4u') will gather 25 participants (20 youngsters from 14 to 16 years and 5 leaders) from different countries.
The project is open to youngsters with fewer opportunities in order to enhance their participation in international projects and to promote intercultural coexistence. The YE will focus on non-formal education with the aim to brake language and cultural barriers and will foster active participation involving the participants in the organization and management of activities addressed to the local community.
Objectives of the YE:
promote active participation of young people
learn through non-formal methods
go through multicultural environment
improve the sense of initiative
create an impact on the local community
Main activities of the project:
Open-air activities
Exchange of good practices
games and interactive dynamics
At the end of the project each group will contribute in the realization of a video/magazine.
Angela D'Agostino
Asociación La Rotllana
The Municipality of Teramo (Italy), which hosts an Europe Direct Centre, is interested to be involved in Project Proposals to be presented under the next Call of the 'Europe for Citizens' Programme - Strand 2 'Democratic engagement and civic participation' - Measure 'Networks of Towns' (deadline 2 March 2015).
In particular, the Municipality of Teramo is intersted to promote the creation of a network of towns (Municipalities and/or Provinces), hosting Europe Direct Centres, willing to cooperate in order to foster a public debate among young citizens on the achievements of the European Union and on the future challenges, with a focus on what kind of contribution they can give to the policy-making processes both at local and European level.
The Municipality of Teramo would like to be involved as Partner.
Should you or your Local Authorities be interested, please contact us as soon as possible.
Looking forward to hearing from you, I wish you a pleasant day.
Best regards.
Paola Casalena
Via A. De Benedictis, 1
64100 Teramo
Tel.: +39 0861 221198
Fax.: +39 0861 1750329
We would like to hear proposals from groups and institutions that are searching for partners for projects related to sport and are interested in applying for Erasmus + Sport 2015. In particular, we’re looking for projects that fall under both the “Sport – Collaborative Partnerships” or “Not-for-profit sport Events” categories linked to European Week of Sport (for which the deadline is 22 th January 2015).
Our department is part of the regional government administration of the Region of Madrid (Comunidad de Madrid) that specializes in the promotion of sport. We are interested in hearing proposals that would involve our organization (offering us the possibility of participating in a project), especially if they are promoted by regional or local public institutions.
Directorate General of Youth and Sport
Office of the Assistant Directorate of Federated Sport and the Promotion of Sport
-Comunidad de Madrid-
Pº de Recoletos, 14
28001 Madrid
Our host organization, Associação Insular de Geografia, is looking for a partner in Europe in order to participate to the next Call Creative Europe Funding Programme (2014-2020) for small projects in the context of Culture.
Short description:
The project aims at the development of a creative cluster, capable of contributing to employability and inclusion of young people, through a strategy based on knowledge, creativity, innovation and cooperation. Starting with the creation of a favorable local environment, this project seeks to stimulate new cultural and economic circumstances conducive to the development of the creative economy and the establishment of more inclusive social and territorial dynamics vitalities.
The 'Madeira Creative Lab' project is based on three fundamental pillars:
1 - Laboratory of Ideas: On especially the University Academy, training and research.
2 - Incubator: The incubator will allow the development of new ideas, products and businesses through the offer of a set of operating low-cost (physical space, support, legal and financial advisory services).
3 - Events: development of events, festivities and traditional markets with the objective to valuing the knowledge, the culture, traditions and cultural exchanges.
Fields of activity
Theatre / Dance / Music / Painting, drawing / Graphic arts / Photography / Digital arts / Film, Video / Decorative arts / Graphic design / Fashion design / Creative writing / Publishing / Architecture
Target partner description
The Associação Insular de Geografia is looking an international partner, available for exchange of knowledge and cultural activities, in an atmosphere dedicated to the cultural and creative industries.
The period of the project is two years and if this is approved by the 'Creative-Europe' Programme may be financed up to 60%.
The deadline for present the project is until 1 October 2014.
We ask you to be so kind to disseminate the partner search among your local and regional contacts.
For further information and contacts:
Associação Insular de Geografia
Fields of activity
Theatre / Dance / Music / Tangible culture - Museums / Painting, drawing / Graphic arts / Photography / Sculpture / Digital arts / Film, Video / Decor
PORTUGAL - Funchal
Contact name: Associação Insular de Geografia Madeira
Email: geral@aigmadeira.com
Phone: Ilídio Sousa
EDIC Enna, Sicily, Italy, is available to take part as a partner into Creative Europe Projects (European Cooperation Project- Category 1: Smaller scale cooperation projects).
Specific Aim: The main objectives of the support for transnational cultural cooperation projects are to support the capacity of the European cultural and creative sectors to operate transnationally and internationally and to promote the transnational circulation of cultural and creative works and transnational mobility of cultural and creative players, in particular artists.
For further information contact us at the following email addresses:
InformaGiovani di Palermo is willing to submit a project proposal under Europe for citizens programme at the next deadline (beginning of september).
Theme of the project will be importance of information toward citizens' participation in democratic life.
In particular, the project will focus on the importance of access to adequate, up-to-date and relevant information to promote citizens' involvement in European projects as well as equal possibilities to benefit from European programmes.
Namely, the project will consist of a series of training, to be run over the period of 12 months in 4 different countries of 4 different geographical areas (South, Central-North, North-Easter, South-Easter).
Subjects of the trainings should be
- European Programmes for social actions and citizenship
- Local networking and social actions
Each training will involve 25-28 participants (10 from abroad, 15-18 from the hosting country).
The idea is to involve 20 partners from 10 different countries.
Each country should involve 1 NGO and 1 public local authority.
If you are interested in being partner of the project, please write to p.galluccio@informa-giovani.org to fill the necessary form and send it back (by the 27TH OF AUGUST) including also.
Parttner wanted!
Orchestra da Camera di Mantova (OCM) located in Mantova (Lombardy Region -Italy) looks for a project leader in Europe in order to participate to the next Call Creative Europe - Cooperation Projects - Call for proposal
EACEA32/2014 deadline 1st october 2014.
Orchestra da Camera di Mantova was founded in 1981. The OCM has been taken concerts all around Europe with solists and conductors like Gidon Kremer, Sol Gabetta, Alexander Lonquich, Katia and Marielle Labeque, Joshua Bell, Umberto Benedetti Michelangeli, Giuliano Carmignola, Misha Maisky, Kent Nagano, Maria Joao Pires and the unforgottable Severino Gazzelloni and Astor Piazzolla. In 1997, Italian musical critics awarded the Chamber Orchestra of Mantova the 'Franco Abbiati' prize. The Konzertmeister is Carlo Fabiano, who teaches Chamber Music at the National Academy of St. Cecily in Rome. Since
1993 the OCM has held a very successful yearly season, Tempo d'Orchestra.
Its concerts take place in the magnificent Bibiena Theatre in Mantova as well as in other venues. Since 2013, the OCM organizes the Mantova Chamber Music Festival, an international meeting of musicians coming from all over the world to play together and to discuss the role of chamber music in the international panorama.
Deadline of this partner search is 14 September 2014
For further information and contacts:
Giulia Buzzi
Orchestra da Camera di Mantova
Piazza Sordello, 12 - 46100 Mantova
+ 39 0376 36 04 76
+39 335 17 90 188
Europe for citizens Program
The 'Giovanni Falcone Foundation' has organized every year since 1993 the celebration connected to the anniversary of the murder of Giovanni Falcone, the antimafia judge killed by mafia on the 23rd of May 1992.
Following the example of Giovanni Falcone, whose commitment was not only addressed to counter organized crime by means of the law enforcement system but also to promote civil rights and active
citizenship of young people, the Foundation has addressed its activities to mainly promote a new culture and new social awareness among young people.
The Falcone Foundation will present the project 'Waves of citizenship, waves of legality' under the Europe for citizens Program, deadline 1st September.
GOAL OF THE PROJECT: The project aims to reinforce the role of organized civil society in combating and preventing crime and fostering the co-operation between the law enforcement system and civil society as exercise of participative democracy.
START DATE : January 2015 END DATE: May 2016
1) Cicle of debates with representatives of organised civil society committed to the prevention and fight against organized crime (Palermo, May 20015);
2) Cicle of meeting with different institutional representatives of the law enforcement system and participation to the celebrations and the initiatives connected with the 23rd anniversary of the murder of the judge Giovanni Falcone, killed by mafia (Palermo, May 20015);
3) International seminar on the possible cooperation between law enforcement institutions and organized civil society to combating and preventing crime (September 2015);
4) Local dissemination of the results in each partner country (October 2015-March 2016);
5) Evaluation meeting (April 2016)
For any information you may need, please contact by email
Scadenza 7 ottobre
Carmarthenshire County Council - Tourism department are looking for partner organisations ( SMEs and local /regional authorities) to apply to the following COSME call:
-COS-WP2014-3-15-03 : Diversifying the EU Tourism Offer and Products - Sustainable Transnational Tourism Products 2014.
The main objective of this call is to strengthen competitiveness of the European tourism sector as well as its sustainability by encouraging diversification of the supply of tourist services and products.
The project proposals should aim at promoting sustainable transnational tourism products ( such as e.g: routes, itineraries, trails, tourism offer...)
in sport or wellness activities in relation to one of the following types of tourism: coastal or maritime or mountain or rural tourism.
For more information
'Europe for Citizens'
EDIC Enna, Sicily, Italy, searching partners for project proposal under the Strand 2- Civil Society Projects 'Europe for Citizens' Specific Aim: Encourage democratic and civic participation of citizens at Union level, by developimg citizens' understanding of Union policy making-process and promoting opportunities for societal and intercultural engagement and volunteering at Union level. Who can apply: Non profit organizations – civil society organizations – educational cultural or research institutions.
Topic: Immigration. The project aims at involving local citizenship, migrants communities, representatives, local authorities, cooperation actors presenting the contents through innovative tools with a high potential to involve people.
For further information contact us at the following email address
New Horizon Association
New Horizon Association, a hosting structure of Europe Direct Smolyan, Bulgaria is seeking for partners for the 'Europe for citizens' programme, STRAND 2: Democratic engagement and civic participation, specific measure – Civil society projects.
Initiatives of the project will include developing opportunities for mutual understanding, intercultural learning, solidarity, societal engagement and volunteering at EU level, revealed through meetings and discussions with immigrants.
Who can apply - Non-profit organisations, including civil society organisations, educational, cultural or research institutions
Mind that applicants must have an ECAS (European Commission Authentication Service) account.
For further info contact Stoyanka Lyuncheva
EDIC Vratsa, Bulgaria and its host structure – Chamber of Commerce and Industry Vratsa, have commenced preparation of project proposal under the 'Europe for Citizens' programme, Strand 2: Democratic engagement and civic participation, Measure Civil Society Projects. Project activities will be aimed at encouraging the participation of citizens in the democratic process and civil society at EU level.
The theme is: Overcoming youth unemployment – a part of Europe's future. The deadline for submission of project proposals is until 1st of September 2014.
Those interested to take part and be our partners, please send us a short presentation of your organization until 31st of July 2014 at mail
LVIA (an NGO recognized by the EU and the Italian Minister of Foreign Affairs) is looking for partners to be involved in a 24 month strategic partnership that aims at connecting European neighbourhood as to implement intercultural backgrounds.
The main output is the ceation of a tool kit of methodologies, media products, experiences collection, that can be used and shared for promoting active citizenship initiatives in intercultural environments.
LVIA is searching at least 3 organizations or local authorities working on the field of youth, active citizenship, intercultural dialogue and social inclusion at urban level in intercultural neighbourhoods. Those organisations can be public or private, profit and non-profit, education and VET (Vocational Education and Training) providers from Member States of the European Union.
For more details look at the attachments or the documents you find at the following link
Calcio Europeo
WELLNESS AND FITNESS not for profit Sport Association, located in the town of Sala Baganza (Parma , Italy) is searching for sending sport clubs for the participation to project RESPECT, which aim is to promote sport as a vehicle for social inclusion, equal opportunities and health-enhancing physical activity, as well as ethics by promoting dialogue and training on the topic of Food, involving athletes, coaches, staff from sports clubs .
The objective is to lead all participants in a process of awareness-raising, training and respect of ethics in sport activity, for both young athletes and coaches, as well as for athletic trainers, accompanying persons and parents.
The project foresees, as main event, the organization of a football tournament, which will be attended by at least 12 sports clubs in Europe, with a maximum of 25 participants per team (including staff and accompanying persons).
The football tournament will involve teams of 11 years-old children (year 2004), with a 11vs11 game play mode, and it will be held in the city of Parma (Italy) from 22 to 28 June 2015; the chosen age is crucial in the development of youngsters, and the project aims to focus on 11 years-old children to foster the assimilation towards the respect of sport rules in the same way as everyday life rules.
The topics covered will be: nutrition education, ethics and integrity, intercultural and intergenerational dialogue;
The planned activities are: webinars, training sessions, conferences and seminars, soccer tournament played following ad-hoc created 'ethical rules', nutrition education games, meetings with: 1. professionals (educators and psychologists) and 2. Professional athletes committed in fostering sport from an ethical, anti-racist perspective;
All costs related to travels, meals and accommodation for participants will be fully covered by the contribution of the European Commission and will be borne by the organizing sport association (ASD WELLNESS AND FITNESS).
We are looking for non-professional football clubs, available to participate to conferences/ workshops to be held during the first 6 months of 2015 and to the football tournament to be held in the city of Parma (Italy) from 22 to 28 June 2015.
The deadline for the submission of the project RESPECT is scheduled for Thursday, June 26, 2014: clubs interested in participating, please send an email to receive more information at 'mail' no later than Saturday, June 14, 2014.
PROJECT TITLE : not decided yet.
The Topic of the project is the Liberation of Europe from Nazism and Fascism.
We would also like to connect the facts of that liberation to the liberation that, nowadays, people coming from Africa and Asia are looking for in Europe.
As you know, Sicily is the gateway of the southern Europe and everyday we see different landing of immigrants who risk their lives to seek freedom in Europe.
cities/municipalities, twinning committees, non-profit organizations representing their local authority
• Conferences & Debates (at least 4 events)
• Audiovisuals
• Route of memory
Comune di Gela
Natale Curatolo
PROJECT TITLE: (not decided yet)
POSSIBLE DATE AND VENUE: Scandiano, March 2015.
In 2014 the city of Scandiano is going to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the twinning agreement with Blansko – CZ (signed in 1964/65) and the 25th anniversary of the twinning agreement with Almansa – ES (signed in 1989). These events represents a good opportunity to reflect upon the meaning of these twinnings and in particular upon the evolution from the postwar period to date.
The aim of this project is to prevent the diffusion of an individualist and skeptic attitude of the citizens towards the EU by making them understand that the 'official' history of these latest 50 years of Europe is, after all, much closer to their everyday life than expected.
We don't want to retrace this half century of European history by quoting books and official historiography, but by encouraging the citizens of all partner cities to retrieve their memories, in particular those bound to the main European incidents/events and to their 'European experiences'. In other words, we want to recall and collect the collective memories from 1964 to date, with a glance backwards, i.e. to the twinning exchanges experienced with our partners so far, but also with a future-oriented perspective, that is their experience with the participation the EU projects, such as European citizens' meetings, life-long learning project (former Comenius, Erasmus, Leonardo or Grundtvig) and so forth.
We want them to understand that the history of Europe is in the end deeply intertwined with their own personal history, therefore definitely 'living', actual and rooted in everybody's reality, and, as active European citizens all of them played, are playing and will have the chance to play their role in the shaping of the EU.
• from all countries eligible for the programme Europe for Citizens;
• cities/municipalities, twinning committees, non-profit organizations representing their local authority.
• Conferences
• Debates
• Exhibitions
• Audiovisuals
• Themed meals
• Live performances
• Etc.
Comune di Scandiano – Municipality of Scandiano
Ufficio Gemellaggi e Relazioni Internazionali – EU policies Bureau
Tourism education
The VET Institution 'Centro Formativo Provinciale G.Zanardelli' located in Brescia (Lombardy Region, Italy) looks for partners in Europe for a project in the field of tourism education in order to participate to the first Call 2015 (march/april).
The experience of didactical hotels and restaurants marks the educational hotel- touristic field thanks to a 'modus operandi' of schools and companies, which completely fulfill the teaching methodology 'learning by doing' , typical of the vocational education.
In Lombardy Region the didactical hotel experience is carried out by four Vocational Schools, whereas it is more common to find an experience of didactical restaurants in State Schools.
In recent years it is highly requested the hotel-touristic education not only in DDIF courses (compulsory education: recently enrolments at secondary schools for the school year 2014/2015 are increasing), but also in the service sector education (Lombardy Region has recently approved two foundations ITS in touristic fields) and in the permanent and long-life education.
Lombardy Region is going to manage the Expo 2015, which is a essential relaunch and improvement of the whole regional touristic field, which requires specific as well as suitable skills according to the modern touristic needs.
General objective of the Project is to:
- Strength the didactical hotel and restaurants experience through a knowledge of good practices and the overcoming of relevant difficulties of such activity;
- Underline the efficiency of such experiences for disadvantaged subjects and how such educational approach overcomes social, linguistic and cultural differences;
- Introduce new processes to acknowledge and validate competences, specifying competences for a hotel-touristic operator, especially mountain and lake tourism
- identify the gap between the required professional curricula and the skilled operators in order to supply normative competences frameworks with contributes at different levels (minimum educational standard for DDIF courses, standard educational regional frameworks for long-life education, regional and state laws for IFTS and ITS courses)
The huge effects of such project is believed to realize a wider efficiency of tourists activities in favor of involved local communities (for Italy: Valle Camonica, Garda Lake, Como Lake, etc.)
Italian partners are:
- Vocational Schools for hotel-touristic operators (CFP Zanardelli, C.F.P. Canossa in Brescia, Fondazione Cometa in Como)
- Technical Professional Pole, touristic field (leading schools)
- Technical Professional Pole, wine-food field (leading schools)
Deadline of this partner search is 30rd september 2014, in order to start to work at the project together with all partners.
We ask you to be so kind to disseminate the partner search among your local and regional contacts (Vocational Schools for hotel-touristic operators, Hotel-touristic professional associations, labor union, Local Institutions, Technical Professional Pole in touristic and wine-food field, local foundations).
For further information and contacts:
Centro Formativo Provinciale G. Zanardelli
Mrs. Erica Cigolini
via F. Gamba 10/12
25128 Brescia
Ricerca partner
For 44 years Protypa Schools of Thessaloniki has been an educational institution for children of Primary and Early Years. The schools are situated in Eleones Pyleas of Thessaloniki, Greece's second largest city. The school prides itself on providing a balanced education for the students. At the end of the Summer term a thematic English Summer Camp is available for children of primary age at Protypa Schools of Thessaloniki. Each year the English Summer Camp has a theme, the theme is chosen to reflect European current affairs. Last year it was Space. This year, children attending the camp will be divided into groups according to their age, and each group will explore a European country. They will learn about the language, culture, traditional food, music, dance, sports and games. Additionally, with the help of technology, children will virtually visit European museums and the famous European landmarks. We are seeking ambassadors from European schools to assist us. We would like to set up communication links with other European primary schools with the purpose of exchanging messages, opinions and experiences through the use of social media networking. The schools that wish to take part in this exciting project will provide a video (with a maximum length of five minutes.) The video will begin by addressing the children of the European Summer Camp. The videos will contain a traditional European song from their country. After singing the video may include a message to the children. This is not compulsory. We kindly request that you send your videos to mail by Friday 30th May 2014. At the end of the project the videos will be presented at a European Cultural Night on the 25th June 2014. This will take place at the town hall with mayor of Thessaloniki in attendance. After this event the videos will be sent to the participating schools, which may allow the beginning of future link projects.
Bulgaria ricerca partner
We are a public body from Bulgaria, Kazanlak town and searching partners for our project in the field of sport under Erasmus+ Program, Collaborative partnership. The eligible participating organizations are any non-profit organization or public body such: a public body in charge of sport at local, regional or national level; a National Olympic Committee or National Sport confederation; a sport organization at local, regional, national, European or international level; a national sports league; a sport club; an organization or union representing athletes; an organization or unions representing professionals and volunteers in sport (such as coaches, managers, etc); an organization representing the 'sport for all' movement; an organization active in the field of physical activity promotion; an organization representing the active leisure sector; an organization active in the field of education, training or youth.
Our Municipality has experience in different fields of project development and implementation such Comenius, Youth in action, projects under Operational Programs funded from EU.
Our objective is to promote voluntary activities in sport, together with social inclusion, equal opportunities and awareness of the importance of health-enhancing physical activity through increased participation in, and equal access to, sport for all. The target groups are: - pupils - teachers - adult - people with disabilities - sports clubs
We would like to realize activities such:
1. For pupils - training and theoretical modules by sort of sports (tennis, track-and-field athletics, cycling a.o.) and modules for children with disabilities
2. For teachers - trainings and conferences to develop their skills and knowledge in the field of health and activity way of life. To encourage the teachers to use technologies for physical activity will be: - develop information materials for early education
- will be purchased video and digital equipment, computer programs, sport facilities
- it will be develop a program for work out, which will be use from teachers to coach the pupils
3. For adults - events such 'Let's run together' or other thematic sport events in every partner.
4. Exchange of experience
5. Developing a Sport strategy and some tools Deadline for sending profile of your organization:30.05.2014
Contact person:
Kazanlak Municipality, Bulgaria
Network of schools in Terni
We represent a network of schools in Terni (Umbria Region, central Italy) a city located 1 hour of train from Rome.
Our network involves Primary, Middle and Secondary School with students ranging from 10 to 16 year olds.
We are particularly interested in becoming partner in a project in the frame of the upcoming call Erasmus + K2 (deadline 30-04).
We are particularly interested in a project analysing relationships between Music and Mathematics. Our specific aim is to explore new methods and motivating ways to integrate the two areas at different levels (Primary-Secondary schools) according to a CLIL Approach (Content Language Integrated Learning).
We know that many interesting experiments are conducted nowadays in countries such Germany, The UK, France, Belgium, Luxemburg, EIRE, Spain, Portugal. So we are interested in hearing from some prospective lead partner based in these countries but welcome other countries where similar experiments might be on.
If you are interested please contact directly mail
A Theatre Organization from Greece
Is looking for partners to join an Erasmus+ KA2 Project (Strategic partnerships). The project is related Erasmus+ to culture and art and especially in promoting and developing theatrical education.
Main objectives:
- Develop innovative, supplementary educational and training tools.
- The use of a modern, participatory educational approach in new teaching curricula.
- Highlighting, transferring and implementing best practice examples.
- Use of ICT-based methodologies and practices.
Potential partners should come from EU28. Preferably they should beDrama Schools, Theatre Organizations, organizations relevant to Cultural studies, Public or Private.
If you have any organizations from your area that are interested in joining our partnership, please send a short profile at mail
Rights and Citizenship
We forward a partner search request within the Program of Rights and Citizenship.
The cultural association Progetto Zattera looks for partners in Europe for the second edition of the project 'FOOTPRINTS', a local Festival for Children's Theatre, which took place in the Province of Varese.
Objectives of the Project is to promote rights of children and the principles of non-discrimination, increasing awareness and knowledge of law and policies of European Union.
Actions are training and live shows.
The project will last about 24 months (2 years).
The deadline for the partner search is september 2014.
We ask you to be so kind to disseminate the partner search among your cultural associations and social cooperatives.
For further information and contacts
PROGETTO ZATTERA Associazione Culturale
Via De Cristoforis, 5
21100 Varese - ITALY
Tel: +39-3493281029
Fax: +39-0331995913
Per maggiori informazioni visitare il sito

A world in a song
The secondary education institut 'GALILEO GALILEI' of Legnano (Province of Milan) looks for partners in Europe for the project 'A world in a song', in order to participate in the call for proposal Erasmus+ (KA2), deadline 30th April 2014.
Objectives of the Project are:
- increase the students' sense of initiative in finding material for the project
- increase the students' motivation for language learning and consequently their linguistic competence and digital skills
- improve their understanding of cultural and social diversity in European countries , especially of those involved in the project
- widen their knowledge of the history , society and culture of the countries whose schools are part of the project
- involve the students in a broader European intercultural and international dimension, which will allow them to overcome prejudices and preconceptions through the universal language of
- the teachers of the schools involved will enhance their teaching offer by developing new and innovative approaches and techniques
- the teachers will improve their skills of organization and cooperation in team

Erasmus+ Key Action 2
Primary School Jerónimo Pérez Sainz de la Maza in Quintana de Soba, Region of Cantabria (Spain) is looking for partners active in the field of education to submit their project proposal under Erasmus+ Key Action 2.
Theme: Learning English in the school (acquisition of new methodology and teaching techniques in English in and out of the classroom)
Type of partners: Public or private schools and associations from north European countries (Finland, Sweden, Norway, Latvia, Poland, Denmark, Germany and Austria.)
Interested parties should please email, by 29th April, MANUEL GÓMEZ
Per maggiori informazioni scrivere al seguente indirizzo mail
Multiple Intelligences in Young Learners
The study will take place in one of the bilingual schools of Murcia. (CEIP Reino de Murcia).
The main aim of this project is to understand how successfully pupils learn content and language integrated learning (CLIL) and the relationship between measured levels of multiple-intelligence and school success. Ethnographic methodologies will be used to observe, document and interpret children's behaviours, intelligences and interactions in the classroom. This project attempts to help teachers gain a better understanding of how children learn.

Partner Search for ERASMUS PLUS VET KA2
Forte Chance Piemonte, an accredited VET provider for Professional Training and Guidance in Regione Piemonte, Italy, is searching for institutions (VET Centres, Professional Associations, Enterprises) active in the fields of renewable energies and sustainable housebuilding, to involve in a Strategic Partnership within the 'Erasmus+' Program - Key Action 2.
Deadline: 30.04.2014
The project foresees the sharing and creation of innovative didactic tools (also using ICTs), the development of common modules, the realization of moments of joined staff training, and the experimentation of structured curricula in blended mobility.
For contacts and further information:
Forte Chance Piemonte
Progetti Europei
Giampiero Uslenghi
European Master
Dear European Networkers,
University of Osnabrueck, situated in Lower Saxony - North West of Germany- is loking for students, who are interessted in studying international migration in three European countries.